Would you love to create decadent meals and desserts that would make your guests rave? My name is Elsa, and I love to cook and bake. I got my start enjoying making desserts for family and friends in my own kitchen. Then I decided I should probably be able to do more than just bake. Baking is great, but I was missing out on so many other delicious foods! Check out my blog to learn more about becoming the type of chef who makes food everyone wants seconds of. No matter your skill level, you can learn easy recipes that no one will suspect are simple.
While eating out at a restaurant like Gabriel's Restaurant Bar & Grill can be a treat, many people feel it is important to eat ethically sourced food. All types of food can have ethical issues regarding their harvesting, transportation, and preparation, but it is particularly difficult to make ethical choices when you eat seafood. This is because seafood often has global implications, not only for the health of the world's oceans, but also for the safety and financial well-being of fishing professionals worldwide. [Read More]